Instruction on how to use Kepler® as a solidifying solution

Kepler® is a unique absorbent. The equation for Kepler® capability to absorb and capsulate is 1:1 by volume.

1 cubic feet of Kepler® will absorb and capsulate 7.5 gallons of liquid. That’s approximately 22 pounds of Kepler®.

Safety equipment= goggles and face mask

When Kepler® is properly mixed with the waste it will turn into a material similar like granule sand; this means it is ready for transport. What makes Kepler® so unique and efficient is its ability to absorb and capsulate as quickly as it is introduced and mixed.

Even though invert and brine cuttings have the same moisture, after doing the field testing, Brine cuttings need a little bit more product to stabilize.

Kepler® must be mixed at correct ratio to be transported safely. Before transporting, ensure that there are no holes in truck beds or tailgates.

Please refer to table: 1 yard of Kepler® that’s (27 cubic feet) will absorb and capsulate 202.2 gallons of liquid. If you absorb 1 yard of liquid with 1 yard of Kepler® that’s (54 cubic feet) you will have 1.1 yards of waste when stabilization is done that’s (29.7 cubic feet) of waste to be removed.

Stabilization table for invert cuttings

Yards Moisture in cuttings KEPLER Time to Take affect
1 20% 5.5 cubic feet = 114lb As soon as mixed
1 30% 8 cubic feet = 175lb As soon as mixed
1 40% 11 cubic feet = 240lb As soon as mixed
1 50% 13.5 cubic feet = 297lb As soon as mixed
1 60% 16 cubic feet = 352lb As soon as mixed
1 70% 19 cubic feet = 418lb As soon as mixed
1 80% 22 cubic feet = 484lb As soon as mixed

Stabilization table for brine cuttings

Yards Moisture in cuttings KEPLER Time to Take affect
1 20% 6 cubic feet = 132lb As soon as mixed
1 30% 9 cubic feet = 198lb As soon as mixed
1 40% 12.5 cubic feet = 275lb As soon as mixed
1 50% 15 cubic feet = 330lb As soon as mixed
1 60% 18 cubic feet = 396lb As soon as mixed
1 70% 21 cubic feet = 462lb As soon as mixed
1 80% 24 cubic feet = 528lb As soon as mixed

Yards Moisture in cuttings KEPLER End result cubic feet
8=216cf 50% 115 cubic feet 2530 lb 240cubic feet of waste